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Red Reaper

Title: Red Reaper (15)

Year: 2014

Running Time: 96 minutes

Director: Tara Cardinal

Cast: Tara Cardinal (Red Reaper), David Mackey (Eris), Ray Eddy (Ganesh)

Notes: Sometimes referred to as Legend Of The Red Reaper.

Rating: 1

Thoughts:   Reapers have guarded man against demons for centuries but now there is just one - Red.

She is half demon and was saved by the Reapers. Now, abandoned by her mother and at odds with almost everyone, she has to take the demons on.

The story plods along in a wholly linear fashion and is undermined by poor acting. That said, the RSC would probably struggle to turn this script into anything.

The sound is odd, the music often inappropriate, and there is just nothing to recommend this clunky effort. The sleeve looks cool, and the strapline of "Half Human, Half Demon, All Warrior" is intriguing, but that's the end of it really.

The plot is confused, with too many flashbacks not helped by footage being used more than once, and there is nothing to recommend.


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