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Harry Potter And The Philospher's Stone

Title: Harry Potter And The Philospher's Stone (12)

Year: 2001

Running Time: 152 minutes

Director: Cris Columbus

Cast: Daniel Radcliffe (Harry), Rupert Grint (Ron), Emma Watson (Hermione)

Notes: Won numerous awards including some awards for the whole series, nominated for three Oscars. Also known as Harry Potter And The Sorceror's Stone.

Rating: 9

Thoughts:   The world of Harry Potter is introduced as he finds out about his magical heritage and then goes to Hogwarts for the first time, and has his first quest against Voldemort.

There is inevitably a large part of the film given over to introducing the alternative magical world but this is done with pace, allowing the characters to encounter it and with certain things just placed in front of us without explanation, adding to their mystery.

The three leads, though young, are very good although there is the occasional "stage school" moment. But the script is strong, the story clever, and it's a visual treat.

The broader cast is stuffed with great actors. It's one of the best opening films for a series and no doubt had the world hooked from the outset.

It remains true to the book whilst still delivering a strong narrative script, with the necessary omissions from the novel. It, and in particular Hogwarts, looks amazing.


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