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Dragon's Rage

Title: Dragon's Rage (12)

Year: 2012

Running Time: 177 minutes

Director: Philip Spink

Cast: David James Elliott (Sarragoth), Natassia Malthe (Perfidia), Dru Viergever (Ber-Lak) Notes: Christopher Lloyd pops up as a venerable sorceror who guides the heroes. The film has also been known as Knights Of Bloodsteel.

Rating: 7

Thoughts: This has a fairly standard plot, with an unlikely band of heroes gathered together to go on a quest to defeat the evil enemy.

It seems a little odd that two humans join up with a female elven warrior and a goblin, but join they do. They all race to get hold of an ore, that when mined gives amazing magical powers.

Of course, up against them is an evil force, hellbent on the same goal. What then follows is an above-average effort to play the quest out.

A lot of the effects are perhaps left wanting but the narrative is generally strong amidst a fairly obvious story, with some good side stories. Whilst many scenes are cliched, they are acted well on the whole and there's some good interaction between the characters, a lot of the fight scenes being especially well done.

Overall this is a decent take on the genre. It isn't able to stand up to the big budget films but it's a lot better than so many of the dross that is around, and that comes down to some decent acting and tight direction that makes the most of the limited storyline.

The dragons in particular are quite well done and their combination with the actors is as realistic as you would want on the whole.


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