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Title: Warrioress (15)

Year: 2011

Running Time: 92 minutes

Director: Roy Boyask

Cast: Cecily Fay (Boudiccu), Joelle Simpson (White Arrow), Helen Steinway Bailey (Djahn) Notes: None

Rating: 2

Thoughts:   Two female warriors must travel across the land to fight a duel in a stone circle.

If their skills are even they will meet a prophecy and unite the people to revolt against the Falonex Empire.

This film appears to have one purpose, to showcase the exotic skills of actor and writer Cecily Fay.

When she fights it is generally impressive as she uses all four feet nine inches to full effect. But there is a lot of fighting! Sadly they fill the gaps with dialogue.

This is poorly written and even more poorly delivered. The fight scenes see even more noise, akin to a tennis Grand Slam final rather than a battle. There's way too much yelping!

It's an unconvincing story that is fairly obvious, and the predictable script gets no help from the actors. The fight scenes, yelps aside, do have some good moments but the scope of the film is very limited.


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