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Master And Commander

Title: Master And Commander (12)

Year: 2003

Running Time: 132 minutes

Director: Peter Weir

Cast: Russell Crowe (Captain Jack Aubrey), Paul Bettany (Dr Stephen Maturin)

Notes: This is a combination of the first two of a long book series and the subtitle always implied a sequel would follow. Won numerous awards, won two Oscars, nominated for eight Oscars, won four BAFTAs, nominated for four BAFTAs.

Rating: 10

Thoughts:   During the Napoleonic Wars Captain Jack pushes his ship and crew to the limit as they pursue an elusive French vessel.

From the outset this is a realistic and visually stunning affair. Crowe shows the depth of his skill and is ably supported by the always excellent Bettany and an excellent ensemble, including some superb younger actors. The story piles along, picking the best elements of the original books and the specialist knowledge in those comes across here. Indeed the Victory museum in Portsmouth used film footage for their display. The story is excellent and there is such a genuine feel for life on board. The main battle towards the end is superbly done as is the looming sense of there being a Jonah on board. There's a fine balance between daring do and authenticity, and they avoid era cliches, no doubt assisted by such strong source material. I only have one fault - they didn't make a sequel or two.


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