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Richard The Lionheart Rebellion

Title: Richard The Lionheart Rebellion (15)

Year: 2015

Running Time: 97 minutes

Director: Stefano Milla

Cast: Valeri Alessandro (Rebel), Elisa Allara (Maid), Lucia Allara (Maid)

Notes: Won five awards.

Rating: 3

Thoughts:   In 1173, with England and France at war, King Henry II imprisons his wife and then faces the armies of the future King Richard and his brothers.

As with so many true stories, the base tale is a strong one. Add to that some decent acting, nice sets, and realistic costumes, and surely his has to be a winner?

Unfortunately, the edit isn't great and it all feels a bit choppy. It's as if this is a collection of short tales and there is a real feeling of interruption to the continuity.

On the acting, there are notable exceptions with some hammy French accents going on, and some characters seemingly from all parts of the world. The film also throws in nudity that isn't helpful to the story.

Overall it's a messy affair. I don't mind them stretching the history if it's good as a result (such as in Gladiator) but that doesn't take this story anywhere great.

This could have been so much better.


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