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Humanity's End

Title: Humanity's End (15)

Year: 2008

Running Time: 80 minutes

Director: Neil Johnson

Cast: Jay Laisne (Derasi Vorde), Rochelle Vallese (Contessa), Cynthia Ickes (Alicia) Notes: None

Rating: 4

Thoughts:  The last man in the universe is hunted down by a race called the Nephilim.

It's a short premise but in many ways, this is a simple chase movie.

The lead is a spaceship captain tasked with bringing a human female from earth to a safe base. It has to be said that the sci-fi elements don't generally look that great.

It's good how they put a nod to several much bigger films and milieus, but the end look could be better.

Initially, I disliked the character of Vorde, as the humour was unconvincing. But in time I did warm to him and began to feel I was moving to his side. Perhaps it was just the lack of humanity from his enemies.

The film allows the much larger conflict play out in the distance or off screen. Whilst this allows a focus on the characters, it's a little false.

There needs to be an interchange of the stories and I guess budget came intolikable play, and an inability to show off those larger scenes. It's likeable but little more.


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