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Jupiter Ascending

Title: Jupiter Ascending (12)

Year: 2015

Running Time: 122 minutes

Director: The Wachowskis

Cast: Mila Kunis (Jupiter Jones), Channing Tatum (Caine Wise)

Notes: Won some minor awards.

Rating: 6

Thoughts:   A woman discovers she is heir to a galactic nobility and must fight to protect Earth from an ancient industry that is all set to destroy it. And her.

Visually this is a real treat as the lead character discovers the Abrasax family isn't particularly pleasant. The off-earth scenes are very nicely depicted and it all feels very epic in a sci-fi sort of way.

The main actors are strong as is the ensemble and it all feels believable for such material. However, the plot is just a little too linear.

They then seem to have realised this and thrown in almost every idea and intricate twist they could amass in the latter stages. It ends up confused.

I want to get immersed in this world but it's impenetrable. The story is basic enough but the array of ideas is overwhelming.

I love Jupiter's back story and the human/animal traits are clever. But it isn't very satisfying overall.

A special mention must go to Eddie Redmayne's portrayal of Balem. He's a fine actor but here has been directed to laughable proportions.


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